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inner child q&a #3

I asked some of my followers to answer some questions about their relationship with their inner child. Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing the responses.

Hannah, 29

Describe yourself as a child in three words

Curious, creative, intuitive

As a child did you have an object you carried around that gave you security?

As a kid I slept with a bouquet of stuffed animals tucked in my arm every night. This collection included a classic teddy bear named Christmas Stocking, a yellow dog named Sunny, and a tiny cat named Penny. I still sleep with them every night. These talismans of security help me feel whole and connected to a sense of self that can sometimes be tenuous during these trying times. I currently sleep on a Hawaiian print comforter set from my childhood as well. Shout out Target in 2002.

How do you create a feeling of inner security and emotional comfort now?

Ritual and routine! Creating a schedule that includes a major amount of self care helps me feel my best. My childhood had a strict schedule, and creating that for myself allowed me to tap back into my creative power. Knowing my days will include journaling, practicing yoga, meditating, cooking dinner, and watching tv at 10 pm removes the feeling of instability and uncertainty I felt in my earlier twenties.

Describe your current self in three words

Vibrant, sensitive, capable

How do relate to your inner child?

She and I are very close. The creative endeavors and accomplishments I’ve been a part of are all fruits of the seeds she planted. From knitting to designing a magazine, my creative outlets are derived from skills and obsessions I had as a young girl. The media I consumed as a kid basically curated my current wardrobe. There’s nothing more satisfying than recreating outfits from specific Barbies I once owned.

Do you have any special objects now that create or represent an emotional experience for you?

My maternal grandmother had a beautiful photo print captured by my uncle depicting a couple kissing in the snow in the Old Chicago Water Tower District. She recently passed away, and I’m so honored to own the piece now, especially as my first job in the city was right by that location. I decided to move to Chicago from small town Iowa as a child when I came to the city at Christmas so it all connects with my path and my past. I’m also a physical media hoarder! I still use my childhood CD player and keep a tiny tv with a built-in VHS player in my current bedroom. Physical media allows me to be intentional with the content I consume and disconnect from the constant noise and distraction of my phone.

What would you tell your inner child if you could?

Be kinder to yourself, do what makes you happy, and ask for what you want. If you want to stay home and read a book just say that, babe.

Chloe, 22

Describe yourself as a child in three words

curious, shy, and imaginative

As a child did you have an object you carried around that gave you security?

I had a trio of stuffed animals I was obsessed with for a while haha. Nelly furtado the giraffe, honey the bunny, and holly the ladybug. They made me feel as if I could escape to my own little world at any moment if I had them with me, and often like I was living in a bright and happy place where stuffed animals could talk and had feelings. I knew that they were my best friends and I could tell them anything and bring them on all my adventures.

How do you create a feeling of inner security and emotional comfort now?

What i strive for most in my day to day is keeping a sense of reverie and magic in my life, so I try to do something fun every day. As an adult, I would say that being with god, my hobbies, and spending time with my loved ones help me feel secure; the same as when I was a child. I try to pray, read, take a walk in nature, do tarot, draw, or journal every day and it really keeps me centered on what I value. This brings me a sense of peace and helps my mind stay grounded even when bad things happen.

Describe your current self in three words

curious, creative, faithful

How do relate to your inner child?

Every time I feel like I've grown into a different person, I can still recognize my inner child shining through in everything I do. My personality, likes, and attitude haven't changed all that much, just expanded from what they were. I often try to comfort my inner child when I'm feeling anxious and I talk to myself throughout the day; it's like a more vulnerable, yet more pure version of my true self.

Do you have any special objects now that create or represent an emotional experience for you?

Yes, so many. a vintage rosary my partner got for me for my birthday, a pouch on a necklace chain I made where I put items relating to my intention of the day, my grandma's velvet jacket, and a four leaf clover (clover was my childhood nickname) are just a few.

What would you tell your inner child if you could?

I would say don't be afraid of being yourself or that you'll never find your true love. Have as much fun as you can in this life and experience as much as possible-- some of those experiences will hurt, but they're all worth it. Stay close to god for he will be your stability through all seasons of your life. Keep your friends close and your family closer. Make terrible art and great art and just keep making. Laugh as much and as hard as you can. Remember to love as hard as you can too because tomorrow isn't promised.

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